Kind Jammers

Believe it or not, Animal Jam is full of positive, amazing jammers who follow the rules as well as helping others out. You just have to looks for them a bit.
For me, I'm very fortunate to be a part of a wonderful sub-community of DE commenters, fellow bloggers, and real-life friends. 
These are some of those people. The people I see every day promoting positivity in the community that so desperately needs it. You guys are the bright stars in the darkest night.
Thank you for making Animal Jam what it is.

Of course, I met slicey on the DE, after they won News Crew for How to Make a Jammer Comic. Slicecat is so nice to me, something that is hard to find outside of the DE and the blogging community! The nicest thing that they've ever done for me was make me this awesome masterpiece!

I'm so lucky to have a friend like them :)
We used to converse frequently in Jam-a-grams, but they aren't on very much anymore unfortunately.

I must confess, I've only had the please of being Lost's buddy for one day, but it's so fun! I even got a cool autograph from her XD
Lost is the author of the Animal Jam Jumble, a blog that I have only recently started to read full-time.

ja comments on the Daily Explorer, with the pen name King Toughbunny. Of course, I met them through Gracie, just like pretty much everyone else! The energy is always so great when I meet up with them, as well as my other friends. King is also an author on the Animal Jam Friendship Community!

So fun to talk to, especially in those impromptu parties in Gracie's or Custard's den :)
I'm pretty sure we met through Gracie (like a whole bunch of my buddies currently on my buddy list!) I always feel so bad when I don't have anything to trade Custard!

I met graciepopstar on the Daily Explorer. She was posting some really positive comments and answering some questions that our fellow jammers had. I don't remember who buddied who, but she was my idol. I looked up to her a lot, and read her blog daily. Her blog is the
 *(Animal Jam Friendship Community)*,
where she posts about some cool things, as well as contests and daily bible verses. You should really go check it out, even if you aren't religious.

And now on to the next amazing person that I have the pleasure of being buddies with:

I first found out about Naffy through the DE as well (a great way to make friends, the DE).
She had just won the News Crew contest for "Favourite Minibook", and I sent her a jag to congratulate her, along with a buddy request.
I found out that she ran the *(Animal Jam Whip)* and still read it daily. It's a wonderful little blog (well, it has a LOT of fans, so I should't say little).
Naffy is such a positive, amazing jammer, and it is such a priviledge being buddies with her.
She was also the first comment on this blog, which is very gratifying.

AYIE! Where do I start? I met lpslover on the DE as well, posting those positive comments. I really enjoy her positive and helpful spirit. I'm not sure if she has a blog though... I'm a great friend, aren't I? *coughs*

But seriously, you're amazing, keep up the fabulous work!

I'm sure a lot of you DE nerds will know Karalee. She now comments with the username "DXplorergirl".
She was so helpful, and I was positively overjoyed when I found out that she was a fellow trekkie! (Star Trek Fan)

I first met CoolCat through Graciepopstar, unlike most of the other people here. I'm ashamed to say that I honestly don't remember the exact circumstances in which we met, but I do remember that fabulous day of role playing in Gracie's den. That was the most fun I've ever had!
CoolCat is also an author for the *(Animal Jam Friendship Community)* and the *(Animal Jam Community Blog)* and is doing a fabulous job if I do say so myself!

Seriously, all of these people are just so awesome. I probably would've quit AJ a long time ago without them. And I know that I'm forgetting someone... if it's you, please comment!
Also, if you have someone that you'd like to nominate, feel free to comment their username as well!



  1. YES! I am a Trekkie! XD TYSM for putting me on here, Pun! :D So... How 'bout them Tribbles? :P

    1. I almost got one at t A Star Trek convention, but then they would breed like crazy XD

    2. Ohhhh, cool! I've never been to a convention before! XD DON'T FEED IT! XD XD

  2. I'd like to nominate my best friend CoolCat :) if you could, could you just put CoolCat instead of her whole username? Thanks.

    1. Oh my, I swear I was going to do that! I just have a lot on my plate right now, so it may take a few days sorry!

  3. Literally about to cry, Pun. That is the nicest thing I have ever heard someone say to me.And yes, I know I have been neglecting the Daily Explorer a lot nowadays, But I am trying to get back into it! I really REALLY am about to cry. Thank you Pun, for the amazing things you have said to me. These word will always truly brighten my day. (Fr0zenL0ver)


Rules for posting a comment:

Really just don't swear, be kind to people, and post as often as you'd like! I'm pretty lax about rules here, so just have fun talking to people!
